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Coverage Case - update

Fact Discovery in the Coverage Case is almost completed. There will be a few more depositions between now and the end of September, 2017.

Insurance companies had filed an appeal of the trial court’s decision on Summary Motions and it is currently at the briefing stage. Grandview’s Opposition to the insurance companies’ appeal was filed on May 19, 2017. The insurance companies are allowed to put in a “reply” brief on June 19, 2017 and then Grandview gets to put in a reply brief on July 19, 2017. After that, the appellate court will schedule the argument of the appeal. This will likely occur in November or December of 2017. The appellate court will decide the case about a month to six weeks after the argument.

Nothing of significance will occur in the case until after the appellate court rules on appeal, again probably in December of 2017 or January of 2018.

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